art music

Tarkoititko: artefakti

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


englanti music Music composed with advanced structural and theoretical considerations, as opposed to folk music and pop music.
2002, Aaron Copland, William Schuman, What to Listen for in Music
The next form of repetition is fundamental not only to many folk songs but also to art music in its smallest and largest sections.
2007, Michael Veal, Dub: Soundscapes and Shattered Songs in Jamaican Reggae
(..) as the invention of the grand piano opened up new possibilities for composers of European art music in the nineteenth century...


  • "I discovered that the most interesting music of all was made by simply lining the loops in unison, and letting them slowly shift out of phase with other..."

  • " serial music, the series itself is seldom audible... What I'm interested in is a compositional process and a sounding music that are one in the same thing."

  • "Rock'n'Roll is about music. Music. Music. Music. It's not about you, it's not about me, it's not about Oasis. It's about the tunes." ("Rock'n'Rollissa on kyse musiikista. Musiikista. Musiikista. Musiikista. Ei sinusta, ei minusta, ei Oasiksesta. Kyse on sävelmistä.")"


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